CBDC’s – Technological Advancement or Enslavement

Posted on 20/08/2024 | 1019 Views

Have you heard of CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies? They are purported to be cryptocurrencies, but they are far from what true cryptocurrencies represent; the freedom to choose how to transfer value and the decentralised technological revolution they represent.

Central Bank Digital Currency can be a means of wholesale value exchange or settlement in and amongst Central Banks and other banking institutions… a representation of their sovereign currency in trade or debt transfer obligations.

It can also be a retail iteration, which should concern all freedom-loving citizens. Having currency programmed by a central authority could precede the removal of spending choice, the ability to save or store wealth, move freely, and speak out against authoritarianism and free market capitalism.

In a retail sense, a central authority could pick winners and losers depending on things such as subservience or compliance. For example, a better interest rate for those individuals seeking a home loan who comply with Government mandates over those who don’t. Those who rank higher on a social scoring platform being able to travel and access banking services over those who are removed from such services because they have too many parking fines. These platforms and control over citizenry already exist and are easily found searching for “social credit system”.


Do CBDCs form part of the “Great Reset”? Are they part of a desired new social contract?

“By March 2024, the central banks of 134 countries accounting for 98% of the world's GDP were said to be in various stages of evaluating the launch of a national digital currency. These included the ECB, the UK, and the U.S. China's digital RMB was the first digital currency to be issued by a major economy. Six central banks have launched a CBDC: the Central Bank of The Bahamas (Sand Dollar), the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (DCash), the Central Bank of Nigeria (e-Naira), the Bank of Jamaica (JamDex), People's Bank of China (Digital renminbi), the Reserve Bank of India (Digital Rupee), and Bank of Russia (Digital Ruble). The Central Bank of Brazil has been rolling out tests of a digital Brazilian currency (Drex) since March 2023. The ECB/Eurozone decided in October 2023 to move forward to the preparation phase for the potential issuance of a digital euro after a two-year study phase.”

The World Economic Forum, United Nations, IMF, and Royalty have been talking about it since 2021. Only now have they started to openly show their cards and call the Great Reset, “a need to change the social contract of the world and initiate a Great Reset of Capitalism.”

In 2021, Australia tested a form of CBDC with high-value transactions within the banking sector.

An Australian CBDC Pilot Conference was also conducted in early 2023, headed by blockchain expert Dilip Rao. He stated, “… in a wholesale sense, it appeared institutions could use CBDCs to control risks while trading tokenised assets on major marketplaces… The Australian CBDC pilot project is working on 14 use cases of a digital currency.” Rao claimed the test results could only show which applications were feasible. He also spoke about the need for political backing since CBDCs would need legislative approval in the country. “You have to go through […] Solving those problems, whether with technology or with legislation, to make sure that people were comfortable with what you were doing,” he said, referring to public consultations.

Do you have the knowledge, tools and decentralised assets to protect yourself? Are you aware of these organisations and the roles they play? If you don’t, you need to. You need to start getting familiar with the bigger picture. Understand individual financial protection and how the choice will be maintained by owning assets like precious metals and true cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Layer 1 blockchains. Learn about these asset classes; get to know them as if your life depended on it, because your future LIFE and that of your children may be shaped by one decision, to participate… What are you waiting for? Time rests for no one. Your time is now!